A daily face wash should include cleansing with gentle soap or micellar water and applying a moisturizing cream or lotion. You can also apply an antioxidant-infused serum or an anti-aging cream. After cleansing, apply a moisturizer, which can range from a light water-based formula to a rich cream or lotion. You can also use a makeup remover to get rid of stubborn eyeshadow.
When cleaning your face, it is important not to use any harsh soap or products. Instead, use a gentle cleanser that does not strip your skin. Be sure not to scrub, as hot water will strip away the skin’s natural oils. After cleansing, rinse thoroughly with warm water. If you have dry skin, try a different cleanser. Do not skip a day, either.
When choosing a skin care product, be sure to choose products with SPF levels suitable for your skin type. Make sure to read the label, as some products need to be applied only at night. Also, remember to change your pillow cases weekly and wear a sunscreen every day. A basic skin-care regimen will include a cleanser, toner, and sunscreen, followed by a night cream or gel with SPF. A moisturizer with SPF 30 is even better, since it can act as a barrier against harsh sunlight, which can cause wrinkles.
Using sunscreen is crucial to maintaining your skin’s health. Applying sunscreen before leaving the house can prevent skin dryness and breakouts. Make sure to drink plenty of water on a daily basis as well. It is a proven fact that drinking water keeps skin cells hydrated and reduces the risk of acne. Exercising is also important for our overall health, and it increases blood circulation. This will allow for more frequent cellular turnover, which helps our skin stay healthy.